Welcome to Porlock Recreation Ground

Latest News

Pavilion redevelopment
The planning application has been validated by ENPA. Progress is subject to the results of the bat surveys, which commence on 21
st May and conclude on 16th July. The results/mitigation measures will be published about two weeks later.
Engaging a contractor will be our next step, with the aim of building next springtime.

Memorial Garden
Trustees have approved funding for remedial gardening work and, with the help of a trustee or two, there has been much clearance and beautification. Next task will be to replace the benches, so that this space is fit to honour those it commemorates.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to continue the upkeep – please contact Sue McCanlis on 862708 / 07790 101333.

ESF Football Festival
This annual event took place over the weekend of 20
th April and was a great success.
In a wonderful twist of fate, the rain stopped for a few days and so all those cars could park on the ground. Phew!

Country Fair
Preparations are well underway for our major event of the year –
Sunday 4th August.
Food outlets are booked, entertainers too; now we await people and the weather...

If you would like to make contact with us, to book the pavilion or any other matter:
Email: porlockrecground@gmail.com
Website: porlockrec.org.uk

Join as a Rec trustee
If you'd like to be considered for co-option, please contact Nora Maw at: porlockrecground@gmail.com.
You will be sent a form to complete and invited to the next meeting.
Or if you'd like a chat, please contact the Chair, Duncan McCanlis, on 01643 862708.
This is an interesting time to be part of Porlock Rec. as we deliver projects made possible by Susan Taylor's legacy.


Please could everyone be aware that dogs are only allowed on the playing fields if they are on a lead. These are sports fields and it is vital to the users that they remain free of anything that might harm the players.


Set in some 5.5 acres, Porlock Recreation Ground is without question the green centre of this popular Exmoor village. Situated in a conservation area and within easy reach of the entire village, the Recreation Ground contributes significantly to the social and leisure needs of residents and visitors of all age groups.

Facilities include a well-equipped children’s playground, 2 football pitches, a cricket pitch, floodlit tennis court & multisport court and a dog exercise field, as well as a large pavilion with a meeting and function room, kitchen, changing rooms, showers, disabled toilets and baby changing room.

The Porlock and District Bowls Club is situated beside the Recreation Ground.

The pavilion, marquees, football and cricket pitches are available for hire. You can check availability of the pavilion and pitches on our Bookings Diary page. Costs and how to make a booking are also on this page. Tucked behind the pavilion is the peaceful Porlock Garden of Remembrance commemorating those who fell in both World Wars.

Porlock Recreation Ground CIO is a registered charity with the aim of preserving, maintaining and improving the facilities for the ongoing benefit of the village and local area.

The annual running costs for the Recreation Ground are around £15,000. It is funded mainly through the income raised at the annual Country Fair supplemented by rents and hire charges from regular and occasional users of the various facilities.














Events and News

Click here for community updates about the Recreation Ground.

Trustees meet once a month in the Pavillion, starting with a session that is open to the public. Click here for planned meeting dates.

Minutes of previous meetings can be found 

A copy of the Charity's Constitution can be downloaded by clicking this link. Annual reports and accounts can be found by clicking this link.  or going to the Charity Commission website and searching the register of charities for "Porlock Recreation Ground".

Other documents relating to the Recreation Ground can be found by clicking here.